Now is the time for strong, tested leadership

As Santa Clara police officers our primary job is to keep Santa Clara neighborhoods safe.
But we can’t do it alone. We need the support of the public and the City Council.
That’s why we’ve evaluated voting records and interviewed candidates.

We’ve endorsed Mayor Lisa Gillmor, Larry McColloch, and Christian Pellecchia.
They understand public safety and are committed to making it a priority.
They also have the endorsement of Police Chief Pat Nikolai and Santa Clara Firefighters.


Supports public safety funding to add officers to patrol and protect neighborhoods

Supports your right to elect your police chief, a right currently guaranteed in our City Charter

Strong voting record and unwavering commitment

Yes, supports your right without reservation

Wishy washy votes and answers

Supports process to change the charter and eliminate your right to vote

Strongly supports and understands public safety

Yes, strongly supports your right

Voted to cut public safety and jeopardize your neighborhoods

Supports process to change the charter and eliminate your right to vote

Strongly supports and understand public safety

Yes, strongly supports your right

Voted to cut public safety, investigated for publicly slandering police officers during a council meeting

Supports process to change the charter and eliminate your right to vote

Ad paid for by Santa Clara Police Association Political Action Committee. Commitee major funding from Related Santa Clara

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